

16:44 Ticket #66 (Walk Behind Saw) closed by kari
Complete: Repair complete and unit working again.
16:43 Ticket #15 (Office furniture) closed by kari
Complete: Office moved 8.8.22
16:42 Ticket #76 (Track for new Track Machine) created by Justin
Need to order a set of tracks for H17 track is showing some wear and …


15:38 Ticket #75 (Forks wont go up and down) created by kari
Forks wont go up and down Blackwater called out - electrical issue - …


20:10 Ticket #74 (Boom Lift) created by kari
Boom lift damaged at Gettel Hyundai Need fiberglass repaired


13:53 Ticket #73 (T64 Christian Truck) created by trevor
Needs new brakes and needs steering column looked AC keeps on shutting …


11:28 Ticket #72 (R56 gear slipping) created by William
R56 gear slips between 3rd and 4th codes came up on truck
11:25 Ticket #63 (R56 New Tarp on Truck Above Dumpster) closed by kari
Complete: Tarp replaced 7.20.22 by DJ


13:51 Ticket #71 (Shifting issue & new tarp) closed by kari


11:15 Ticket #71 (Shifting issue & new tarp) created by William
Shifting issue between 3rd and 4th. sometimes a delay or quick slip …


15:45 Ticket #70 (Tarp - Green dump trailer) created by trevor
Green trailer needs tarp replaced
15:38 Ticket #69 (Front end issue) created by trevor
Maybe a balljoint / bushing messed up on front end Steering wheel vibrates
15:24 Ticket #68 (DT30 Repair Left Tail Light) closed by trevor
Complete: Christian V worked on over the weekend and fixed both tail lights so …
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